We are here
for you!

Do you have questions about freight forwarding, distribution or logistics? Or do you need support with export, import or customs clearance?

Our experts will be happy to help you. Get in touch with us!

Contact address

aaa group
att Air Truck Transport AG
acs Air Cargo Service AG
afh Air Freight Handling AG

P.O. Box
CH-4030 Basel Airport

Phone +41 61 202 70 70

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday:
07:30 – 12:00
13:00 – 18:00

07:30 – 18:00


On Saturdays and outside opening hours, a check-in can be scheduled by prior arrangement.


47°35’18.0 “N 7°32’20.4 “E



Take the “Cargo” exit at the traffic circle on Flughafenstrasse and drive over the bridge. This leads with a left turn directly in front of the new Cargo Terminal.

Always register for pick-ups and deliveries at our office. You will be allocated a ramp there.

We are located at entrance “C” on the 1st floor.
Our ramp numbers: 21 – 34

Approach videos

Cargo Terminal CH to FR
Cargo Terminal FR to CH
Express Terminal CH to FR
Express Terminal FR to CH